
Friday, May 07, 2010

The Thomas J. Moyer Award for Judicial Excellence

The Ohio State Bar Association (OSBA) announced yesterday the creation of the Thomas J. Moyer Award for Judicial Excellence, in honor of the late Chief Justice. Mary Moyer, wife of Chief Justice Moyer, accepted the first award posthumously on his behalf.

The Supreme Court's website relates that "the prestigious award honors a current or former Ohio state or federal judge who demonstrates outstanding qualities of judicial excellence including integrity, fairness, open-mindedness, knowledge of the law, professionalism, ethics, creativity, sound judgment, courage, and decisiveness."

Officers from the OSBA and Ohio Judicial Conference will form the nominating committee while the OSBA Board of Governors will select the recipient based on the committee’s recommendation.

The Supreme Court also reported that "the OSBA also established the Thomas J. Moyer Fund at the Ohio State Bar Foundation, made an initial contribution of $1,000 in Chief Justice Moyer's name, and will make a similar contribution each year to honor each award recipient. Chief Justice Moyer's family will be given the opportunity to designate the use of the fund."

Ohio Supreme Court's announcement
Ohio Bar Association

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