
Wednesday, June 29, 2005

"Eminent Domain"

Am Jur says “eminent domain, in its simpliest terms, is the inherent power of a governmental entity to take privately owned property and convert it to public use.”

The Ohio Jurisprudence 3d says eminent domain is “one of the last vestiges of sovereign power remaining in a republician form of government… (and that) although the constitutional & statutory authority in Ohio may differ slightly from that in other states, it may be said generally yhat the same broad principles involved are applicable in all jurisdictions.”

"Eminent domain," though, like other areas of law, is also fluid, and we can see that with recent local & national occurrences. Our Feb 23rd. post preambled some of this. Many people found the Supreme Court’s decision in Kelo v. New London last week interesting, and there were a lot of articles such as CNN/Money’s and MSNBC’s reflecting that.

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