
Monday, November 21, 2005

Internet search engines/ Digital TV

The latest Pew Internet & American Life Project survey, released this morning, shows that while e-mailing is still the top Internet activity, search engine usage is climbing fast behind it, jumping 55% from June 2004 thru last September.

“Several factors explain the quick rise in search activity,” a MercuryNews article (registration) this morning quotes Pew Director Lee Raine, “including the spread of high-speed Internet connections…. The ubiquity of broadband—70 percent of Internet users have access to it at work or home—is prompting people to shift from using phone books and other offline information sources to the Web.”

SearchEngineWatch has additional information along with a link to the 9-page PDF report.

Meanwhile, the House of Representatives last Friday backed a plan to require television broadcasters to convert to digital transmissions by Dec. 2008, three months earlier than provisions in the Senate’s version of the same bill, according to a FindLaw article this morning. (H.R.921)

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