
Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Three energy bills before the Ohio General Assembly

At present, three bills dealing with energy are currently before the Ohio General Assembly.

1. State Senator Kirk Schuring (R-Canton) has introduced Senate Bill 335, which if passed, will create a tax credit against kilowatt-hour tax liability for certain eligible businesses. High energy-consuming manufacturers will get a 100 percent tax credit on their KWH usage if they use the savings to reinvest in their Ohio-based operations through capital investments and new jobs.

2. State Senator Randy Gardner (R-Bowling Green) has introduced Senate Bill 332, which if passed, will require that the amount spent by counties on energy conservation measures be unlikely to exceed the amount saved in energy and operating costs over the average system life of the measures, and to require the financed measures be paid for within their average system life.

3. State Representative Mark Wagoner (R-Toledo) has introduced House Bill 594, which is the House's version of SB 332.

Read the text of the bills:

SB 335:
SB 332:
HB 594:

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