
Monday, October 30, 2006

2007 Medicare Enrollment

“It’s time to start learning all over about Medicare and the options that’ll be available next year already. “It was confusing the first time around,” an article on says, “Now there are even more plans to consider for 2007—the enrollment period which runs from November 15 thru December 31—and officials are once again saying that those who wait past early December could face delays once again.”

An article in the New York Times relates that congressional Democrats are arguing against the new 2007 Medicare handbook being sent Medicare recipients, saying it “presents a misleading & biased view of Medicare coverage and options, favoring private insurance plans over the traditional government-run program.” The Administration defended the handbook, saying beneficiaries could save “significant amounts” of money thru private plans.

Meanwhile, Medicare has a new online “plan finder,” and media-release pages on plan options for the individual states.

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