
Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Canton, Ohio weed control initiative

The City of Canton, Ohio has a reasonably interesting situation happening at an opportune time. Its city council unanimously approved toughening its high-grass & weed ordinance on June 2nd., making violations for repeat offenders a fourth-degree misdemeanor carrying a fine of up to $250, and up to 30 days in jail. Sounds reasonable, but it’s apparently drawn national attention, too. A local article carrying the story was picked up by the news aggregation website Drudge Report ; that resulted in a deluge of e-mails from around the nation.

The Canton Repository this morning, though, says Mayor William Healy still supports the new law, and says that the focus isn’t to put repeat offenders in jail – which is up to the discretion of municipal court judges anyway – but to “put teeth” in the law already in force. “You’re really talking about the worst of the worst,” he said, “Instead of jail time, judges may be more likely to sentence repeat offenders to cut grass themselves as a community service.”

(New Ordinance)

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