
Thursday, September 11, 2008

Ohio "Next-of-Kin" Database

The State of Ohio, last Monday, became one of a relatively small number of states having a “next-of-kin” database built around its drivers license and state ID records. Florida has a like program, started two years ago.

Ohio’s program was given birth to back in Nov. 2007, and was signed into law in last May..( Bill )

Given 180 days from its July 31st. effective date, Ohio’s Bureau of Motor Vehicles was directed to “adopt rules establishing the next of kin database and having it operational.” Registration began at noon, Monday, Sept. 8th.; the next day BMV’s website was sporting cautions to viewers that “due to the popularity and extraordinarily large number of individuals attempting to access the new ‘Next of Kin’ online application, you may experience slow-downs or, in some instances, not be able to login and complete the form.” ( BMV website )

BMV has “frequently asked questions” posted here.

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