
Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Social Security Administration's Online Retirement Application

The Social Security Administration – in part envisaging the prospect of having some 80 million baby boomers becoming eligible for retirement in the not-too-distant future at the rate of some 10,000 a day for the next 20 years -- yesterday introduced another new service that will allow applying for retirement benefits online.

An Associated Press article, this morning, relates that the SSA has had versions of some applications available online since 2000, but that they had still required applicants to mail or deliver documents with signatures, copies of birth certificates, or W-2 forms to regional offices. In the future most cases are expected to be completely paperless.

Now, one can determine, apply for, and get estimates of what benefits one might be eligible for, and get a wealth of other information from SSA’s recently re-designed web site @ .

Disability benefits can also be applied for online.

Last Summer, its "Retirement Estimator," the highest rated online application in government, was introduced by the Social Security Administration.


  1. For over 70 years, the Social Security Administration has served the American people, providing the major source of income for most of our seniors.

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