
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Ohio Court Rule Revisions

The Ohio Supreme Court and lawyers practicing in this state also have a number of Court Rules going into effect on July 1st., among them Rules of Appellate, Civil, Criminal, Juvenile Procedure, and Rules of Evidence as follows:
Rules of Superintendence 44-47 on public access to court records, which were originally slated to go into effect on May 1 but were rescheduled to allow more time for judges, court staff, and members of the public & the media become familiar with them, also now become effective on July 1st..(Here) The Court has an portal at the lower right-hand corner of its website with more information and a historical perspective on public records & open government.

Additionally, there are eleven "temporary rules of superintendence" governing the administration of the five common pleas commercial court dockets in the state.

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