
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Ohio Supreme Court expands parameters for legal intern representation

The Ohio Supreme Court announced yesterday adoption of amendments to Rule II of the Rules of Government of the Bar of Ohio, permitting "legal interns to represent individuals in fourth-degree and fifth-degree felonies, and juveniles if the crime would be a fourth- or fifth-degree felony if committed by an adult, as long as a supervising attorney accompanies that intern in all proceedings.

"In cases of first-, second-, or third-degree felonies, supervising attorneys would serve as co-counsels in court proceedings."

Legal interns are law students having completed at least two-thirds of their academic requirements and having a certificate issued by the Supreme Court. Rule II was established in 1972 and amended last, prior to this, in 2007.

The new amendments become effective August 1, 2009

( Court’s Announcement )
( Text of Amendments )

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