
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Ohio Supreme Court cell phone search ruling

The Ohio Supreme Court yesterday ruled that Fourth Amendment prohibitions against unreasonable search and seizures required police to obtain warrants before searching data stored in a cell phone that has been seized from its owner in the course of a lawful arrest, even when the search is not necessary to protect the safety of law enforcement officers or there are exigent circumstances.

Noting that neither the U.S. Supreme Court nor any other state supreme court appears to have ruled on the Fourth Amendment implications of a cell phone search, Justice Judith Ann Lanzinger said the two leading cases on that issue appear to be the conflicting federal court decisions cited in the 2nd District's majority and dissenting opinions.

Of these, Justice Lanzinger wrote: "In United States v. Finley ...the Fifth Circuit upheld the district court's denial of defendant's motion to suppress call records and text messages retrieved from his cell phone. ... Finley was arrested during a traffic stop after a passenger in his van sold methamphetamine to an informant. During the search incident to the arrest police found a cell phone in Finley's pocket. He was taken along with his passenger to the passenger's house, where other officers were conducting a search. While Finley was being questioned there, officers examined the cell phone's call records and text messages, finding evidence that appeared to be related to narcotics use and drug trafficking. ... In upholding the search, the Fifth Circuit analogized Finley's cell phone to a closed container found on an arrestee's person, which may be searched. ... Notably, Finley had conceded that a cell phone was analogous to a closed container. ... But because Smith, here, does not concede here that a cell phone is analogous to a closed container, the analysis in Finley is not entirely applicable.

"The United States District Court for the Northern District of California, disagreeing with the Fifth Circuit's decision in Finley, granted a defendant's motion to suppress the warrantless search of his cell phone. United States v. Park (N.D.Cal., May 23, 2007). Police officers observed Park entering and leaving a building that they had under surveillance and for which they had obtained a search warrant. When they executed the warrant and searched the building, they found evidence of an indoor marijuana-cultivation operation. They arrested Park and took him to booking, where they searched him and found a cell phone. Before turning over the cell phone to the booking officer, the arresting officer recorded names and phone numbers found in Park's cell phone. ... Because the search of the cell phone's contents was not conducted out of concern for the officer's safety or to preserve evidence, the court found that it did not fall under the search-incident-to-arrest exception and that the officers should have obtained a warrant to conduct the search.”

In the present case, Justice Lanzinger wrote, "The state argues that we should follow Finley and affirm the court of appeals because the trial court was correct in its conclusion that a cell phone is akin to a closed container and is thus subject to search upon a lawful arrest. We do not agree with this comparison, which ignores the unique nature of cell phones. Objects falling under the banner of 'closed container' have traditionally been physical objects capable of holding other physical objects. Indeed, the United States Supreme Court has stated that in this situation, 'container' means 'any object capable of holding another object.' New York v. Belton,/em> (1981)."

Court's Summary

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