
Monday, February 22, 2010

Earn Free CLE Credit with Westlaw

On Tuesday, March 16 your Westlaw representative, Denice Fogle, will offer the following class for 1 Ohio CLE credit in the CLLA's board room.

12:30 for Westlaw Secondary Sources (1.0 Ohio CLE Credit) Exploring Westlaw's secondary sources:

* Jury Verdicts for 50 states
* Form Finder
* Term & Connector search
* Narrowing results
* Keycite

1:45 Meet with your Westlaw Representative
After the class, meet with Denice Fogle in the computer lab to discuss any questions or concerns you may have about using Westlaw. She'll be happy to offer tips and suggestions for your current research projects. We hope you take advantage of this opportunity.

Please call 946.5300 or email to register. Join us, won't you?

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