
Monday, April 26, 2010

Arizona's immigration bill

Arizona's controversial immigration enforcement law was the target of fresh attacks Sunday as opponents, from national civil rights activists to Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon, vowed to take their fight to the courts as soon as this week, this morning reported.

Other headlines over the weekend told of protests outside of the Arizona capital building, and Faith in Public Life’s, a "strategy center advancing faith in the public square as a positive and unifying force for justice, compassion and the common good," rushing out a press release calling the new law " 'an affront to moral conscience', and urging comprehensive national immigration reform."

President Obama, "in an unusual White House attack on state legislation," the Wall Street Journal said, "harshly criticized the Arizona measure to crack down on illegal immigration and made clear Friday that he is looking for an election-year fight over the volatile issue," while the Associated Press reported "U.S. Rep. Raul Grijalva, a Democrat, and civil rights activists spoke on Sunday to thousands of people gathered at the state Capitol and called on President Barack Obama to fight the law, promising to march in the streets and invite arrest by refusing to comply." The President has reportedly asked the Justice Department to look at the new law.

Arizona's new law

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