
Friday, June 18, 2010

Ohio Attorney General's Office to provide representation to Court of Appeals/judges

The Ohio Supreme Court has announced that "state appellate courts and their judges will now being able to turn to the Ohio Attorney General's Office to defend them against non-monetary civil lawsuits -- changes that were implemented under H.B. 10, which was signed into law on March 17 and became effective yesterday. The Attorney General's Office will also provide representation to appeals court employees regardless of whether monetary relief is requested.

A letter distributed earlier this week also distinguishes between non-monetary and monetary cases, stating: "Your representation in lawsuits asking for monetary damages filed against Courts of Appeals and judges of those courts will continue to be handled by counsel contracted with the courts' insurance carrier for those purposes… Courts of appeals with ongoing non-monetary cases or cases involving personnel being handled by county prosecutors or staff are asked to notify the Attorney General, according to the letter. They will work with you to determine, on a case-by-case basis, whether the case should be transferred to the Attorney General’s Office, and if so, the manner and timing of such a transfer."

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