
Thursday, August 12, 2010

Kentucky immigration resolutions this morning reported that "two Northern Kentucky fiscal courts took different paths reaching similar conclusions on a nationally controversial issue yesterday."

"Kenton County Fiscal Court endorsed the Arizona immigration law by a 3-1 vote at its meeting yesterday morning, while. later in the evening, Boone County Fiscal Court offered its support by the same margin.

"In Kenton County, the resolution passed with little discussion or public input," the article said, but over in Boone County, "the debate lasted more than an hour and attracted an audience of about 70 people, many of whom weighed in on the resolution.”

An article said of the Boone County meeting that "Leo Pierson, of the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), said the resolutions send a troubling message. 'There are Hispanics that are citizens and documented legal residents in Northern Kentucky and they're not happy,' Pierson said. 'The message received by the Hispanic community is that, you know, they're not wanted: 'We don't want your type here.'"

MSNBC said "Boone County Commissioner Cathy Flaig, president of the Northern Kentucky Tea Party, supported the resolution, and she was surprised by the reaction…. 'I was kind of surprised that there were that many people there that were so upset,' Flaig said. 'The resolution had nothing to do with any racial issues at all. It was nothing more than a resolution in support of the state of Arizona. Nothing in this resolution should be intended as discrimination – nothing at all."

That resolution, the MSNBC article said, included additional language intended to ease fears about racial discrimination by stating directly that the resolution was not intended to discriminate.

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