
Friday, October 01, 2010

Trumbull County Probate Court Guardianship Video

For the average person on the street the intricacies and in & outs of the law and government can be bewildering at best, and written instructions are often of little help. Forms & procedures are periodically changed or updated as well, and the mere fact that "change" has occurred can cause confusion.

Sometimes it's just nice to send out a "hats off" and some recognition, so, when the Warren, Ohio Tribune Chronicle last Monday posted an article about Trumbull County Probate Court Judge Thomas Swift's new approach to updating that county's instructions on guardianships, we took note.

Trumbull County's Probate Court produced a 17-minute film that is posted on its website offering the basics for anyone thinking of becoming a guardian for a family member or friend.

Local filmmaker Jim Fogarty said of the project that they "actually took a more modern approach to the probate court subject. It was better than someone standing and lecturing. We presented it in a more dramatic fashion."

Trumbull County Probate Court

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