
Thursday, December 09, 2010

Ohio gun control legislation

The Toledo Blade yesterday morning said "Gun-rights supporters maneuvered in the Ohio House Tuesday to force votes on bills allowing concealed-carry permit-holders to carry guns into bars and alcohol-serving restaurants and easing other restrictions on permits."

"Rep. Danny Bubp (R., West Union)" the Blade said "is employing a rarely used discharge petition to dislodge the bills from a Democratic-controlled House committee where they have yet to have hearings. Mr. Bubp filed the resolution Tuesday, along with the signatures of 50 members of the 99-member chamber, to force votes Wednesday on the floor to bring the bills before the full House."

Senate Bill 239 would "permit a concealed carry licensee to possess a firearm in liquor permit premises, or an open air arena," while Bill 247 is sub-titled the "Civil Firearm Rights Act," and purports to "conform the restoration of civil firearm rights with federal law and U.S. Supreme Court case law; eliminate the prohibition against persons with certain misdemeanor drug offense convictions acquiring or possessing firearms or dangerous ordnance; and to allow restoration of civil firearm rights for firearms that are dangerous ordnance."

The Enquirer, however, this morning noted too that "if the Ohio House, controlled by Democrats until Jan. 2, agrees to recess its two-year session before Tuesday, Senate Bills 239 and 247 will die. House Speaker Armond Budish, D-Beachwood, said he doesn’t intend to call any more sessions beyond Thursday… The Ohio House tentatively planned a voting session for 12:30 p.m. Thursday, but House rules require a waiting period to vote on the gun bills. That means Tuesday would be the earliest legislators can vote to pass either bill."

There are numerous Ohio mayors against both Senate bills including Cincinnati Mayor Mark Mallory, Addyston Mayor Dan Pillow, North College Hill Mayor Daniel R. Brooks, Silverton Mayor John Smith, Wyoming Mayor Barry Porter according to the Enquirer’s article.

Senate Bills 239 and 247 are but two of a total of nine gun control bills introduced in Ohio this past year, six of them in the House where they’re still in committee.


  1. I would love to see a similar change to the Florida concealed weapons permit law, which as it stands now says that Florida concealed weapon permit holders are restricted from concealed carry in; "any portion of an establishment licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages for consumption."

  2. I live in Cincinnati...and was convicted in 1994 of several non-violent felonies....I was sentenced to prison...served my time under House Bill 262 and was released in 2000...sucessfully completed parole and have been law abiding since...What forms, motions etc, do I need to file and what court in order to have rights restored and able to own/carry a gun??????? Anyone please give me some ideas would be greatly appreciated....Thanks Chris
