
Monday, January 10, 2011

Proposed Ohio Supreme Court Traffic Rules

The Ohio Supreme Court this morning announced that it will be entertaining public comment on proposed amendments to the Ohio Traffic Rules clarifying the authority of traffic violations bureaus (Rule 13) and expanding the required experience of magistrates (Rule 14).

The Court's announcement states "the proposed changes to Rule 13 – which were recommended by the Commission on the Rules of Practice and Procedure – state that traffic offenses that could result in jail time cannot now be processed by a traffic violations bureau."

Changes to the magistrate rule (Rule 14) "specify that magistrates need to 'have been engaged in the practice of law for at least four years and be in good standing with the Supreme Court of Ohio at the time of appointment'" The current requirement is only that a magistrate "shall be an attorney admitted to practice in Ohio."

Comments on the proposed amendments should be submitted in writing not later than Tuesday, February 8, 2011 and include your full name and mailing address if submitted by e-mail.
Jo Ellen Cline, Government Relations Counsel
Supreme Court of Ohio
65 South Front Street, 7th Floor
Columbus, Ohio 43215-3431, or

Text of the Proposed Amendments.

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