
Thursday, June 16, 2005

Montana's Public Defender icon

An article in the June 6, 2005 National Law Journal (subscription) reports the State of Montana’s having established “the first statewide indigent defense system that meets national standards for delivering high-quality representation.”
The act, spurred in part, at least, by a 2002 class-action lawsuit that had alleged defendants were not being provided public defender services in a fair & consistent manner,” remedied those accusations. ACLU senior staff attorney Vincent Warren said in that organization’s press release that, “A national movement is underway to protect the legal rights of poor people, and Montana is leading the way.”
“The Montana law,” that press release continued, “is the first in the nation crafted with the intent of addressing the ‘Ten Principles of a Public Defense Delivery System,’ adopted by the American Bar Association in 2002.”

Ohio’s public defender statutes are contained in ORC § 120.01 et seq.

Kentucky’s are at KRS §31.010 et.seq., and Indiana’s are at IC §33-40-1 et.seq.

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