
Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Patriot Act updates

Articles on the front-page of Monday morning’s Cincinnati Enquirer and elsewhere on the Internet spoke about Ohio’s and President Bush’s efforts, promoting the respective State’s & the National Patriot Acts.

The President last Thursday spoke in Columbus where he “urged lawmakers to disregard ‘unfair criticisms’” of law, saying it has already been used to break up terrorist cells in New York, Oregon, Virginia, and Florida. The White House has also posted a press release recounting the President’s address to the National Counterterrorist Center in McLean, Virginia.

The Washington Post, however, had articles yesterday and again this morning shedding less favorable light on the Law’s apparent record.

The Enquirer article, above, and the ACLU’s website report that the current bill, now in the House, has been substantially revised from it’s original form, and provide additional information.

Our posting from back in March also has more information.

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