Friday, March 29, 2013

Hamilton County Domestic Relations Domestic Dispute Center

Ohio's supreme Court news service yesterday reported the Hamilton County Domestic Relations Court is continuing to change the way residents' resolve disputes with its newly formed Dispute Resolution Center, which it started working to implement last year and plans to incorporate Early Neutral Evaluation (ENE) -- a type of alternative dispute resolution that will allow parents and their attorneys to meet to discuss possible financial and custody solutions without having to go before a judge -- by late summer if the court receives additional funding to assist in the program.
Court Administrator Lisa Gorrasi told the news service, "Family law disputes that result in protracted and contentious litigation have long standing ill effects for all involved, especially the children The Hamilton County Court of Domestic Relations is committed to utilizing dispute resolution techniques and practices to reduce this negative impact on the families that we serve.  Our Dispute Resolution Center will allow us to incorporate an additional service to offer as families transition through our court and as they continue their lives as co-parents of their children."
[See our May 2011 post]


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